Strengthening Your Supply Chain Program: Insights for RAC Producers & Food Manufacturers

Learn to strengthen food safety programs and supplier evaluation procedures to mitigate risk and comply with changing FSMA regulations.

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So You Think You Can Pass? A Guide for Food Retail Audits

Learn the not-so-obvious places auditors inspect at food retail facilities, and what FDA Food Code compliance could mean for Food & Beverage manufacturers, producers, and distributers.

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Environmental Controls: Keeping Pathogens Out

Learn what controls your Environmental Monitoring Program (EMP) should include to prevent pathogens from entering your facility and what common pitfalls to avoid for more effective pathogen containment.

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The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Food Safety, and What to Expect Next

Learn how food producers - as well as the FDA - are using AI to detect food safety issues, and its potential to predict common and rare food safety events,...

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Shoring Up Your Prevention Actions to Avoid FDA Form 483

Learn to avoid FDA investigations resulting in a Form 483, and overcome common challenges such as a lack of resources to conduct a thorough RCA, or ensuring proper documentation practices...

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How the 2022 FDA Food Code Impacts Food Producers

Learn what requirements within the FDA 2022 Food Code that impact those who manufacture and supply food items to retail, restaurant, and other direct-to-consumer food companies. Presented by: Dr. Lily...

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Preparing for Safety Risks within Global Food Trends

There are many hidden food safety risks that come with innovation. Learn what food manufacturing and processing trends may pose higher food safety risks, what HACCP and FSMA requirements should...

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Food Labeling Concerns and Cures for 2023

As the FDA and other government agencies continue to update food labeling guidelines, manufacturers must be able to rapidly identify and address the risks that lead to label inaccuracies. Learn...

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The Finalized FDA Food Traceability Rule: What It Means for Your Business

Understand how the FDA's final version of the Food Traceability Rule helps identify food-borne illness outbreaks and impacts your business.

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Navigating the Perfect Storm of Supplier Constraints

Supplier risk expert shares how to establish an emergency sourcing plan with strong food safety controls in place that can be rapidly enacted as needed.

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FDA Expectations: How to Become “Recall Ready”

Food Safety expert breaks down the expectations outlined in FDA’s “Recall Ready” guidance, what challenges are often encountered when executing a product recall, and what industry best practices are for...

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Navigating New PFAS Regulations: How to Prepare for What We Know

Food Safety expert reveals the latest EPA changes to PFAS requirements, what food items may be at higher risk of non-compliance, and how to build a proactive approach to address...

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