Simplify Supplier Tasks and Communications

Supplier Management SafetyChain


Digital Plant Management includes supplier compliance tools to remove the tedious and time-consuming activities in monitoring supplier tasks and communications. SafetyChain captures supplier compliance data and organizes documents and requests, giving you instant visibility into each of your suppliers’ performance over time.


Supplier Management Software Mobile

Secure Supplier Portal

Private Supplier Network
Own & Control Your Documents
Centralize Access & Cloud Storage

Supplier management software

Maximize Productivity

◼ Eliminate Paper & Emails
◼ Simplify Supplier Processes
◼ Improve Performance

supplier scorecard

Reduce Supplier Risk

Real-Time Risk Monitoring
Supplier Task Management
◼ Supply Chain Visibility

Beaver Street Fisheries

“SafetyChain has provided the insight and visibility we need for our 400+ suppliers in 40+ countries. It’s a great centralized hub for managing all of our supplier level documents.”

Collect & Analyze Data on Any Device, Anywhere at Any Time

Image of Operating Systems Compatible with SafetyChain

Operating Systems

The only native application purpose-built for every major operating system.

Hardware and Devices

Hardware & Devices

Access on your phone, tablet, PC/laptop, or floor workstation in online or online WiFi mode.

Data Collection

Data Collection

Leverage mobile and automated data collection via tablets, sensors, PLCs, & API system integrations.

See how Supplier Management works in Digital Plant Management

Supplier Management Software Dashboard

Simplify Communication

Put an end to back-and-forth emails about expiring certificates and other supplier details with a convenient and secure supplier network. Leverage a user-friendly supplier portal to digitally share and capture requirements, trigger notifications, and save time for both your internal teams and your suppliers. Set up a new supplier in minutes and associate existing supplier- and item-based requirement sets to qualify them quickly and easily.

Reduce Supplier Failures

Unlock visibility across your supply chain to identify and reduce risks. Use intuitive features like supplier scorecards and risk assessments to score and track your suppliers. Easily access all of your vendor scorecarding data via one integrated platform. Drive business decisions with combined insights from supplier compliance and performance in one place.

Supplier Management Scorecard
ipad supplier management

Enable Remote Supplier Audits

Leverage SafetyChain’s secure supplier portal to collect, retrieve, and analyze all necessary documents for thorough and hassle-free remote audits. Suppliers can add attachments and be assigned tasks, while your internal teams can perform sign-offs efficiently.

Learn an economical approach to managing supply chain risks and dedicating available resources accordingly.

Meaningful Plant Data for Every Team Member



Easy-to-use solution that eliminates data entry errors and helps identify line & spec issues faster.



Full visibility into real-time plant performance to make better, faster decisions to drive continuous improvement.



Complete enterprise wide visibility and control to monitor performance and profitability from the palm of your hand.