FSMA Friday Making Sense of the FDA’s Reportable Food Registry

The Reportable Food Registry (RFR) has been around for more than a decade, but many manufacturers still don’t know exactly what kinds of issues need to be reported, nor when,...

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FSMA Friday: Is a Return to Normalcy in Sight? (Vaccine Updates and More)

What to Know About Virus Variants, New Vaccine Efficacies & Availability, and a Roundup of Ways Manufacturing Has Changed Since COVID-19 with Renowned Epidemiologist Ben Miller, Ph.D., MPH, from The...

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Don’t Get 483’d for Your FSVP | FSMA Fridays

With more than 500 facilities being cited last year for a faulty or missing FSVP and more remote & on-site inspections expected to resume shortly, it's time to dust-off your...

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FSMA Fridays | Building an Auditable, Measurable Food Safety Culture

Documenting your Food Safety Culture is now an auditable requirement, mandated by GFSI and the FDA. But how can culture be assessed? What elements can be measured, and how must...

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FSMA Friday: GFSI Remote & Virtual Auditing Update

Learn the key steps your remote audit process must include in this 30-minute refresher on GFSI's virtual & remote auditing processes. Presented by Rich Simmons, Senior Advisor of Food Safety...

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FSMA Friday: Navigating COVID Complexity in 2021

David Acheson, M.D., and Ben Miller, Ph.D., M.P.H., discuss the truth about the vaccines, implications of emerging epidemiological patterns, and ways you can minimize disruptions in your facilities from COVID-19...

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FDA Labeling Changes – Are You Ready? Last Call!

Learn about FDA's new nutritional facts labeling requirements.

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FSMA Fridays: New FSMA Proposed Rule for Food Traceability

This presentation will cover the details of the FDA's proposal to establish additional traceability requirements in F&B facilities.

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FSMA Fridays: Cameron Prince: New Canadian Nutrition Labelling

The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) that came into force in 2019 have released new requirements that apply in 2020 and 2021. Cameron Prince, VP of Regulatory Affairs at...

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IA Rule and Food Defense Plans – What’s Required, and by When?

Christopher Snabes of TAG presents the latest updates available on the Intentional Adulteration Rule as well provide a summary of what is required in a written food defense plan, and...

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COVID-19: 31 Days of Updates in 31 Minutes with Ben Miller, Ph.D.

Renowned epidemiologist Ben Miller, Ph.D. provides an update on the coronavirus pandemic, including how to responsibly manage COVID-19 in food and beverage facilities. Leaders from the Acheson Group deliver an...

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June 2020 – COVID-19 Midsummer Update & Fall Outlook: Guidance from The Acheson Group for the Food Industry

Renowned epidemiologist Ben Miller, Ph.D., updates the food industry on June 2020 with FSMA and COVID-19-related news.

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