“SQF in the Age of FSMA” – September 25 Webcast Features Robert Garfield, Senior Vice President of Safe Quality Food Institute

First segment in SafetyChain Software’s 2015 GFSI Leadership Series, presented with media partner FoodSafetyTech, webcast will provide insight in on how SQF aligns with, and prepares companies for, Day 1 FSMA compliance

SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance™ (FSQA), along with media sponsor Food Safety Tech, is excited to announce the kick-off webcast of its three-part Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) leadership series, “GFSI in the Age of FSMA,” with “SQF in the Age of FSMA” being held September 25. Special guest speaker Robert Garfield, Senior Vice President of Safe Quality Food Institute (SQFI) will discuss how SQF aligns with, and prepares food and beverage companies for, Day 1 compliance with FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

Key session discussion topics will include:

  • How certification to SQF prepares a company for FSMA compliance in terms of alignment with:
    • Supplier Controls
    • Building a food safety plan
    • Migrating from HACCP to HARPC
    • Being audit ready all the time
    • Environmental monitoring … human & animal food rules … and much more
  • What changes to SQF have been made (or are planned) to better align with FSMA
  • Gaps SQFI see in FSMA that are filled by SQF scheme
  • What companies who are, or plan to be, SQF certified should be doing now for Day 1 FSMA compliance
  • Mr. Garfield will also take attendees’ questions live!

Registration for the 60-minute September 25 SQF webcast, which begins at 10 a.m. PT, is complimentary, and interested parties are invited to learn more by clicking here.

bob garfieldCommented Mr. Garfield, “Driven by retailers and consumers who are demanding more stringent food safety standards, FSMA is perhaps the most comprehensive set of regulatory changes to food safety in many years. Complying with FSMA will not be, however, without significant challenges. We believe SQF certification lays a solid foundation for FSMA compliance, and in most cases having Level 2 SQF Certification goes above and beyond the proposed FSMA requirements.. We’re very excited to be participating in this series and have an interactive discussion on how SQF can help companies prepare for FSMA compliance from day 1, and how SQF promotes comprehensive food safety both in and outside of regulatory requirements.”

Barbara Levin, SafetyChain Senior Vice President and Co-Founder added, “SafetyChain has always taken a leadership role in providing informative and educational webcast forums on food safety and quality topics – first with our FSMA Fridays Series, then again last year with our 2014 GFSI Leadership Series – which attracted more than 2,000 registrants – and now with the 2015 series addressing the timely topic of GFSI in the Age of FSMA. And of course we’re very pleased that Robert Garfield will be once again kicking off the GFSI series with ‘SQF … in the Age of FSMA’ on September 25, and invite all interested parties to attend.”

Registration for this webinar is complimentary for those interested parties working in food safety and quality assurance, regulatory, operations, C-suite and other related positions from food and beverage companies worldwide. Click here for more information.

Optional Technology Demonstration

At the end of each series session, attendees are invited to stay online for a brief demonstration of SafetyChain’s Regulatory/GFSI Compliance and Audit Management module to learn how automation can help companies manage robust GFSI and FSMA programs complete with on-demand audit readiness.

SafetyChain 2015 GFSI Leadership Webcast Series

SQF in the Age of FSMA is the kick-off webinar in the “2015 GFSI Leadership Series: “GFSI in the Age of FSMA – How GFSI Schemes Align With and Get You Ready for FSMA,” sponsored by SafetyChain and media sponsor Food Safety Tech. More information on the entire series can be accessed here.

About SQFI

SQF is recognized by retailers and foodservice providers around the world who require a rigorous, credible food safety management system. The SQF Program is recognized by the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and links primary production certification to food manufacturing, distribution and agent/broker management certification. Administered by the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), SQFI benefits from continual retailer feedback about consumer concerns. These benefits are passed on to SQF certified suppliers, keeping them a step ahead of their competitors. The Safe Quality Food Institute’s mission is to deliver consistent, globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs based on sound scientific principles, consistently applied across all industry sectors, and valued by all stakeholders. Its vision is to be the single most trusted source for global food safety and quality certification. For more information about SQFI, please visit www.sqfi.com.

About SafetyChain Software – Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA™

SafetyChain Software is the leading vendor of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA at all points along a company’s supply chain – for what comes in, what they do with it and what goes out. SafetyChain for Food™ includes integrated modules for Supplier Compliance, Safety and Quality Management, Regulatory and GFSI Compliance, Food Safety Audit Readiness and SafetyChain Mobile for anywhere/anytime FSQA. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, cloud-based solution with hard-dollar Return on Investment, and is used globally by leading companies in all food industry verticals, including suppliers/growers, manufacturers, distributors and food service / retail. www.safetychain.flywheelstaging.com. Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety

About Media Sponsor Food Safety Tech

Food Safety Tech is an industry-specific eMagazine and Conference series serving the global food industry. Built on the platform of the next generation model for B2B publishing, Food Safety Tech delivers top quality content in a proactive manner through a weekly eNewsletter while maintaining a website, the eMagazine that stores the content providing easy accessibility. This hybrid model provides a two way street of digital communication to the global food industry. www.foodsafetytech.com