SafetyChain Software’s 2014 GFSI Leadership Series: “SQF, FSSC 22000 and BRC … The Road Ahead” Wraps Up with 2,000+ Registrants

First-of-its-kind 3-part webcast series, presented by SafetyChain with media sponsor Food Safety Tech, examined where these GFSI recognized schemes are going, how they prepare the food & beverage industry for FSMA, future audit trends and more

SafetyChain Software, leaders in food safety and quality assurance solutions that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA™ and help manage a robust GFSI program, announced the successful completion of its 3-part GFSI Leadership webcast series featuring the North American leaders from three leading Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) benchmarked schemes – SQF, FSSC 22000 and BRC. More than 2000 food and beverage industry professionals registered to learn insights on where these schemes are going, the impact on the food and beverage industry, how each scheme helps readiness for FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance and more.

For interested parties who were unable to attend this informative series, archived recordings are available at

Guest speakers included Bob Garfield, Senior Vice President of SQFI; Jacqueline Southee, U.S. Liaison for FSSC 22000 and John Kukoly, the North American leader for BRC. Each leader addressed:

  • What’s new this year and where (respectively) SQF, FSSC 22000 and BRC are going in 2015 and beyond
  • How companies will be impacted by the changes on the road ahead … and why these changes should be embraced
  • How to start preparing today for tomorrow’s SQF, FSSC 22000 and BRC – including preparation for where each scheme is going in terms of audits
  • How each scheme helps prepare its members for FDA’s FSMA

Each session also included a lively Q&A with questions from participants.

“Today, more and more companies look to GFSI schemes as a means to help manage the growing complexities of a global food supply chain, improve overall food safety, and meet new regulatory compliance mandates such as FSMA,” commented Barbara Levin, SafetyChain SVP and Co-Founder. “SafetyChain – with our FSMA Fridays and other thought leadership web series, is very pleased to have had the opportunity to provide this educational web-forum for food safety and quality professionals to engage with the SQF, FSSC 22000 and BRC leaders. We’d like to thank the GFSI leaders – and all who attended – for their participation. And we’d of course like to thank Food Safety Tech for their media sponsorship that helped make the series a success.”

Complimentary Whitepaper: GFSI – Don’t Hesitate to Automate!
All GFSI Leadership Series participants received a copy of SafetyChain’s whitepaper, “GFSI – Don’t Hesitate to Automate,” which covers how companies can leverage technology to automate robust GFSI programs including approved vendor programs. The whitepaper provides insights on the benefits of automation including being audit-ready on-demand – even for unannounced audits; creating a centralized repository of food safety and quality data for continuous improvement; and the ROI impact related to new created supply chain efficiencies. To access this whitepaper, please visit here.

For more information on future SafetyChain series:
To become a member of FoodSafetyTech’s online FSQA community:
For more information on these three GFSI schemes:

About SafetyChain Software – Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA™
SafetyChain Software is the leading provider of Food Safety Chain Management Systems (FSCMS) that help enforce Food Safety & Quality Assurance along a company’s supply chain – for what comes in, what they do with it, and where it’s going next. It’s leading FSCMS, SafetyChain for Food, helps food and beverage companies: Comply with regulatory, GFSI, customer and internal FSQA requirements; Ensure workflow, processes, and documentation; and Create central repository of FSQA data for trending, continuous improvement and audit readiness.

About Food Safety Tech
Food Safety Tech is an industry-specific eMagazine and Conference series serving the global food industry. Built on the platform of the next generation model for B2B publishing, Food Safety Tech delivers top quality content in a proactive manner through a weekly eNewsletter while maintaining a website, the eMagazine that stores the content providing easy accessibility. This hybrid model provides a two way street of digital communication to the global food industry.