SafetyChain Software Presents “Tackling Food Safety Audits with Technology” – October 16, 2015 Webcast

SafetyChain Tech Talk to Discuss Five Keys Ways That Technology Helps Companies Respond On-Demand to USDA / FDA Regulatory, including FSMA, GFSI, Customer and Internal Food Safety Audits

SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance™ (FSQA), is pleased to announce the newest topic in its ongoing FSQA Tech Talk series, “Tackling Food Safety Audits with Technology: How to Respond On-Demand to USDA / FDA Regulatory, including FSMA, GFSI, Customer & Internal Audits” – being held online on October 16, 2015, at 10 AM PDT. Interested parties can learn more here.

During this interactive webcast, SafetyChain Software’s Kyle Joyce, Director of Product Strategy and Eric Hansen, Director of Technical Solutions, will share insights on how technology is helping food & beverage companies respond on-demand to all types of food industry audits. Session topics will include:

  • Top audit readiness challenges for regulatory, GFSI, customer and internal audits – with a special look at FSMA recordkeeping and audit requirements
  • Five key ways that food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) technologies help companies be audit ready, all the time
  • How technology can provide transparency and access along your supply chain to promote audit readiness

Food safety and quality management, regulatory and GFSI compliance specialists, operations and other interested parties, are invited to attend this complimentary event. Following the presentation and Q&A, participants are invited to stay online for an optional demonstration of SafetyChain Software’s FSQA Compliance and Audit Management solutions.

“While food safety professionals appreciate that audits are an important tool to ensure that they are putting safe food into commerce, the process of preparing for audits can be quite disruptive to daily food and beverage company operations. This has become even more challenging in the face of unannounced GFSI audits and certainly FDA will not be making an advance appointment when it comes to inspect facilities and records under FSMA,” said Barbara Levin, SafetyChain SVP and Co-Founder. “By leveraging emerging food safety and quality automation technologies, companies can ensure their FSQA programs are being carried out to plan, that all records are uploaded to a central repository of actionable data, and that all documentation is accessible in realtime for on-demand audit readiness. We hope that this webcast will provide valuable insight into how to tackle food safety audits with technology and invite all interested parties to join us,” Levin continued.

By signing up for this session, registrants will also receive links to all past 2015 FSQA Tech Talks, including HACCP Automation, Food Quality Automation and much more.

SafetyChain’s FSQA Tech Talk Series is a part of SafetyChain’s 2015 FSQA Technology Series: “Enabling Technologies – The Food Safety & Quality Assurance Game Changer” – which includes Leadership Forums, FSQA Tech Talks and Executive Briefs focusing on the critical role of FSQA enabling technologies in effectively and efficiently executing on today’s top food safety and quality challenges. To learn more visit here.

About SafetyChain Software

SafetyChain Software is the leading vendor of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA at all points along a company’s supply chain – for what comes in, what they do with it and what goes out. SafetyChain for Food™ includes integrated modules for Supplier Compliance, Safety and Quality Management, Regulatory and GFSI Compliance, Food Safety Audit Readiness and SafetyChain Mobile for anywhere/anytime FSQA. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, cloud-based solution with hard-dollar Return on Investment, and is used globally by leading companies in all food industry verticals, including suppliers/growers, manufacturers, distributors and food service / retail.

Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety