SafetyChain Software Announces “Unleashing the Power of Cloud Solutions on Food Safety and Quality Assurance” – May 19, 2015 Online FSQA Tech Talk to Feature UniSea

Guest speaker Michele Eddy, UniSea’s Corporate QA Manager, joins SafetyChain’s Director of Technical Solutions to share insights on the advantages of leveraging cloud and mobile FSQA apps for “anywhere, anytime” food safety and quality program management

SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance™ (FSQA), is pleased to announce the latest topic in its ongoing FSQA Tech Talk series, “Unleashing the Power of the Cloud on FSQA” – to be held on May 19 at 10 a.m. PT.

The FSQA Tech Talk features industry thought leader Michele Eddy, Corporate QA Manager at UniSea, who will be joined by Eric Hansen, Director of Technical Solutions at SafetyChain. Ms. Eddy and Mr. Hansen will share valuable insights on the impact of cloud and mobile FSQA technologies to manage food safety and quality anywhere, anytime. FSQA. I.T., operations, legal and C-Suite professionals from food and beverage companies are invited to attend the complimentary webcast.

Every day, millions of people sit down to meals containing seafood products produced by UniSea. Michele Eddy will share her experience on how UniSea is leveraging the cloud and mobile apps to:

  • Manage direct observation and other standard operating procedures for UniSea’s pillars of sanitation
  • Manage HACCP plans and food safety Corrective and Preventive Actions (CAPA)
  • Plus Ms. Eddy will share anecdotes about employee adoption of mobile devices, and provide insights on future plans for supplier compliance and GFSI program management in the cloud

Mr. Hansen will address:

  • How the cloud empowers anywhere, anytime FSQA
  • Key benefits of cloud and mobile technologies in connecting a company’s upstream, downstream and internal supply chain
  • Common misperceptions about cloud security and more

The speakers will also take questions live from attendees. Participants who would like to see what cloud and mobile FSQA apps look like in action, are invited to stay online after the Tech Talk for a 15 minute demo of SafetyChain’s cloud and mobile solutions.

Barbara Levin, SVP and Co-Founder of SafetyChain Software, commented, “Cloud and mobile FSQA solutions are changing the way that food safety and quality operates. Food safety and quality teams aren’t sitting at their desks in front of computers. They’re in the field doing pre-harvest inspections, on the plant floor doing HACCP checks, on the road auditing suppliers, or meeting with regulators and customers. Cloud and mobile apps are allowing these FSQA professionals to leverage technology everywhere they go – and we’re excited to present this Tech Talk, and these visionary speakers, to help industry better understand the power of these solutions. “

Upcoming FSQA Tech Talks Include:

June 23: Harnessing Cost of Quality
July 21: Conquering HACCP, HARPC and Food Safety Plan Management

Participants of this series need only sign-up once and will automatically receive notice of the next topic and login/call information.

SafetyChain’s FSQA Tech Talk Series is a part of SafetyChain’s 2015 FSQA Technology Series: “Enabling Technologies – The Food Safety & Quality Assurance Game Changer” – which includes Leadership Forums, FSQA Tech Talks and Executive Briefs focusing on the critical role of FSQA enabling technologies in effectively and efficiently executing on today’s top food safety and quality challenges. To learn more about SafetyChain’s FSQA Technology series visit

About SafetyChain Software
SafetyChain Software is the leading vendor of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA at all points along a company’s supply chain – upstream, downstream and internally. SafetyChain for Food™ includes integrated modules for Supplier Compliance, Safety and Quality Management, Regulatory and GFSI Compliance, Food Safety Audit Readiness and Mobile FSQA applications for smart phones and tablets. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, cloud-based solution with hard-dollar Return on Investment, and is used globally by leading companies across all food industry sectors.

Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety