SafetyChain Software Announces New FSQA Technology Series “Enabling Technologies – The Food Safety & Quality Assurance Game Changer”

Series Offers Leadership Forums, Tech Talks and Executive Briefs Addressing How Technology is Transforming FSQA Operations, Conquering Food Safety and Quality Challenges, and Creating ROI

SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA)™, is excited to announce an important new multi-media series: “Enabling Technologies – The Food Safety & Quality Assurance Game Changer.” The series, comprised of Leadership Forums, Executive Briefs, and Tech Talks, is designed to provide valuable insight – from a wide variety of industry thought leaders – on how FSQA enabling technologies are helping the food and beverage industry conquer top safety and quality challenges while creatingoperational ROI.

Food Safety, Food Quality, Operations, Legal, Financial, Executive and Information Technology Management from all sectors of the food and beverage industry are encouraged to register and participate in the series by visiting:

The series will address a wide variety of topics relating to the impact of technology adoption on challenges such as risk mitigation, meeting operational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), FSMA and GFSI compliance, FSQA Program Management Including HACCP and HARPC, Continuous Improvement, Supply Chain Controls, Cost of Quality and much more. Types of transformational food safety and quality technologies – such as cloud and mobile applications will also be examined.

“SafetyChain has been a recognized leader in providing educational forums on industry front-of-mind topics – such as our ongoing FSMA Fridays and our 2014 GFSI Road Ahead Series. And we’re excited now to move the conversation to leveraging technology innovations to execute on the most pressing food safety and quality challenges,” commented Barbara Levin, SafetyChain SVP and Co-Founder. Levin continued, “We’re very excited to bring together leading consultants, FSQA folks who’ve been in the trenches and technology thought leaders to discuss how FSQA enabling technologies are truly becoming a game changer in transforming and harmonizing food safety and quality.”

Series Leadership Forums

The first leadership forum, scheduled for March 13 with special guest speakers Bob Butcher, Ipswich Shellfish Company’s FSQA Group Operations Manager, and Jeff Chilton, President of Chilton Consulting Group, will focus on The Business Case for Food Safety and Quality Technology. For more information and to register visit Future leadership forum topics include The Role of Technology in Risk Mitigation and Brand Protection and Technology as an Enabler to Reduce the Cost of Quality.

Series FSQA Tech Talks

The series Tech Talks will focus on the impact of automation on specific challenges and will feature a variety of industry experts. The first three topics are listed below:

  • March 31 – Tackling FSMA Compliance: How Automation Enables HACCP-to-HARPC migration, FSMA Reporting, Supply Chain Controls and More
  • April 21 – Harmonizing FSQA – It’s All About the Cloud: How the Cloud and Mobile Technologies Enable Anywhere, Anytime FSQA Data Capture and CAPA Generation
  • May 19 – Facilitating Continuous Improvement: Enabling Actionable Data for Trending, Benchmarking and Reporting Across Your Entire Operation

Series Executive Briefs

The series also includes ongoing publication of eBriefs aimed at describing the overall, high level benefits on technology on a company’s ability to put safe, quality food into commerce while remaining competitive and profitable. Briefs identify and examine key areas automation technologies can impact company and FSQA operations as well as the business case for implementation.

The first eBrief is called The Critical Role of FSQA Enabling Technologies for Today’s Food Safety and Quality Operations: Technology as an Enabler to Fundamentally Change How Food Safety & Quality Operations Manage Risk and Meet Key Performance Indicators and can be downloaded here.

How to Register

Participation in SafetyChain Software’s technology series is complimentary.

About SafetyChain Software
SafetyChain Software is the leading vendor of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA at all points along a company’s supply chain – for what comes in, what they do with it and what goes out. SafetyChain for Food™ includes integrated modules for Supplier Compliance, Safety and Quality Management, Regulatory and GFSI Compliance, Food Safety Audit Readiness and SafetyChain Mobile – mobile FSQA applications for smart phones and tablets. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, cloud-based solution with hard-dollar Return on Investment, and is used globally in 15 languages. Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety

Media Inquiries:
Jill Bender
VP Marketing Communications