SafetyChain Mobile™ Captures and Analyzes Food Safety & Quality Assurance Data Anywhere, Anytime

SafetyChain Software’s Mobile Food Safety and Quality App Eliminates Paper and Reporting Lag Time from FSQA Processes While Photo-Documenting Corrective/Preventive Actions

SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems (FSCMS) that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA)™, helps eliminate manual FSQA data entry “at the source” with SafetyChain Mobile – a true mobile FSQA application that operates on smart phones and tablets. SafetyChain Mobile provides functionality across SafetyChain’s dedicated platform for automating food safety and quality along the entire supply chain – including solutions for Supplier Compliance/Vendor Approval Programs; Food Safety & Quality Management, including HACCP / HARPC and Customer Specification Management; and Regulatory / GFSI Program Management and Audit On-Demand.

Capture Food Safety and Quality Data Where it Originates – Including the Field, Plant Floor, Receiving Dock, Distribution Center and Store Shelves

Commented Barbara Levin, SafetyChain SVP and co-founder, “Waiting for food safety and quality data to be manually entered and then submitted for review causes lag time, stalls corrective actions and increases the volume of rework or rejections. SafetyChain Mobile helps companies capture food safety and quality data at the point where it originates. Through realtime analysis, food safety and quality managers get the FSQA data they need at the earliest possible point for timely generation and documentation of CAPAs – speeding product throughput and creating bottom-line ROI.”

Levin continued, “SafetyChain Mobile was designed from the ground up to be a true mobile food safety application – bringing the ease of the apps we use every day in our daily lives – such as mobile banking or shopping apps – to food safety and quality teams. Because food safety and quality folks aren’t sitting at their desks all day – they’re in the field, on the plant floor, visiting suppliers or customers, for example – this tool allows them to leverage the advantages of FSQA automation from anywhere, at anytime.”

Features of SafetyChain Mobile include the ability to:

  • Capture realtime food safety and quality assurance data via online forms at the earliest point possible
  • Speed food safety and quality root cause analysis and accelerate response to non-conformances
  • Digitally document direct observations
  • Facilitate realtime reporting from the field, plant floor, receiving dock or store
  • Ensure Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) are followed from auto-scheduling alerts received on mobile devices
  • Eliminate language barriers for field inspections

Key Benefits of SafetyChain Mobile:

  • Eliminate manual food safety and quality “clipboard forms” while improving process workflow
  • Immediately communicate actionable food safety and quality data for decisions on CAPAs
  • Have on-demand access to KPI tracking and trend analysis

SafetyChain Mobile ROI

SafetyChain Mobile gets the right food safety and quality data to the right people in the fastest manner possible – helping to keep production lines moving while ensuring safety and quality standards.

  • Reduces waste and hold times while also moving product faster to the next point in your process or value chain
  • Eliminates manual entry – saving time and money while improving accuracy
  • Reduces the time it takes to prepare for audits or inspections
  • Promotes ease of onsite supplier audits

Types of FSQA Activities that Can Be Performed Using SafetyChain Mobile

The types of food safety and quality tasks/forms that can be performed using SafetyChain Mobile are virtually unlimited. Some examples include:

  • Pre-Operations Sanitation
  • Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP)
  • HACCP & Preventative Controls Monitoring
  • Product & Packaging Receiving
  • In-Process Quality Attribute Monitoring
  • Finished Product Quality Attribute Monitoring
  • Monthly Facility Audit
  • Facility Safety Inspection
  • Employee Accident Report
  • Restaurant Inspection
  • Preventative Maintenance
  • Master Cleaning Schedule
  • Customer Complaint
  • Supplier Inspection
  • Shelf-Life & Competitive Product Review

For more information contact SafetyChain at, 888-235-7540, or visit

About SafetyChain Software
SafetyChain Software is the leading vendor of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA at all points along a company’s supply chain – for what comes in, what they do with it and what goes out. SafetyChain for Food™ includes integrated modules for Supplier Compliance, Safety and Quality Management, Regulatory and GFSI Compliance, Food Safety Audit Readiness and SafetyChain Mobile – mobile FSQA applications for smart phones and tablets. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, cloud-based solution with hard-dollar Return on Investment, and is used globally in 15 languages. Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety