SafetyChain Congratulates Board Member Dr. David Acheson on Introduction of The Acheson Group (TAG)

Dr. Acheson and his food safety team, now under TAG, will continue to provide expert advice on SafetyChain’s popular monthly FSMA Fridays series, including the October 25 topic: Approaches to FSMA Supply Chain Controls

SafetyChain Software – innovators of realtime safety chain management solutions that help automate, streamline and improve FSQA while promoting regulatory, 3rd party and customer compliance – is excited to extend its congratulations to board of directors member Dr. David Acheson on the formation of his new consulting venture, The Acheson Group, a strategic consulting organization providing key food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) services.

TAG Services
The focus of The Acheson Group, which will be known as TAG, is to provide a robust compendium of services for the food industry – from farm, to retail, to food service and manufacturing. TAG services are focused on four key areas:

  • Strategic consulting & regulatory support
  • Crisis & recall support
  • Supplier risk/raw material risk management
  • Facility risk management & compliance

More information about TAG can be found at

FSMA Fridays – Next Session October 25

Dr. Acheson, former Associate Commissioner for Foods at FDA and Chief Medical Officer at the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service, has been the featured expert in the popular SafetyChain Software FSMA Fridays series. FSMA Fridays are monthly food safety web/podcasts that help keep the food and beverage industry up to date on the most recent FDA Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA) news – and provide insight on how to prepare for compliance with recently announced and anticipated rules.

Dr. Acheson’s fellow FSMA Fridays experts – including Jennifer McEntire, Melanie Neumann, Anne Sherod, Jackie Bessette and James Acheson – have joined TAG and will continue to answer pre-submitted and live audience questions during the ongoing series.

The next FSMA Fridays is being held on October 25, at 9 a.m. PT. The focus for this session will be “Approaches to FSMA Supply Chain Controls.” Some of the topics that will be covered include:

*How far back in your supply chain can you see, and how far back should you go

*How to get value out of a third party audit

*What are some of the key requirements of a useful Certificate of Analysis

Interested FSQA and regulatory professionals only need to register for FSMA Fridays once. Upon registration they will receive links to past topics and reminders for future dates/topics. Registration for FSMA Fridays is always complimentary at

About SafetyChain Software
SafetyChain Software’s SafetyChain for Food™ helps the food and beverage industry manage safety and quality compliance in realtime – preventing non-compliant ingredients, raw materials and finished product from coming in or going out. With SafetyChain for Food’s affordable solution modules – for Supplier Compliance & Management, Safety & Quality Data Reporting, HACCP/GFSI Compliance and Customer & Finished Product Compliance – food growers, producers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, food services and importers save time, save money and create efficiencies that contribute to the bottom line. SafetyChain for Food is a global, Software-as-a-Service solution, designed for fast deployment and even faster ROI.

About The Acheson Group (TAG)
Global food supplies, changing consumer expectations and expanding regulations are creating more risk for food companies. The Acheson Group’s mission is to work with food companies, and those that provide technology to food companies, to help manage this changing risk outlook. TAG is able to offer quality, strategic consulting due to the diverse nature, training and experience of its team. TAG seeks to be valued advisors to its clients by building a very close relationship that brings together an environment of good communication through a significant amount of direct client interaction.