“FSSC 22000 in the Age of FSMA” – December 4 Webcast Features Jacqueline Southee, U. S. Liaison for FSSC 22000

Final webcast of SafetyChain Software’s 2015 GFSI Leadership Series, GFSI in the Age of FSMA, presented with media partner FoodSafetyTech, will provide insight on how FSSC 22000 aligns with, and prepares companies for, FSMA compliance

release 11.11.15SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance™ (FSQA), along with media sponsor Food Safety Tech, is excited to announce the final webcast of its three-part Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) leadership series, “GFSI in the Age of FSMA,” with “FSSC 22000 in the Age of FSMA,” taking place on December 4. Special guest speaker Jacqueline Southee, U.S. Liaison of FSSC 22000, will discuss how FSSC 22000 certification aligns with, and prepares food and beverage companies for, Day 1 compliance with FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA).

“FSSC 22000 in the Age of FSMA” will focus on these key discussion topics:

  • How FSSC 22000 certification prepares a company for FSMA compliance in terms of alignment with:
    • Supplier Controls
    • Building a food safety plan – migrating from HACCP to HARPC
    • Being audit ready all the time
    • Environmental monitoring … human & animal food rules … and more
  • What changes to FSSC 22000 have been made (or are planned) to better align with FSMA
  • Gaps FSSC 22000 sees in FSMA that are filled by the FSSC 22000 scheme
  • What companies who are, or plan to be, FSSC 22000 certified should be doing now for Day 1 FSMA compliance
  • Dr. Southee will also take attendees’ questions live!

Registration for the December 4 FSSC 22000 webcast, which begins at 10:00 AM PDT, is complimentary.

Dr. Jacqueline SoutheeCommented Dr. Southee, “As food companies prepare for FDA’s FSMA, they are looking to GFSI certification as a key strategy to be FSMA compliant and build an effective food safety program. Because it is FSSC 22000’s mission to be the world’s leading, independent, non-profit ISO-based GFSI-accepted certification scheme, we are well-positioned to help companies meet their food safety goals. The ISO 22000 framework of FSSC 22000 defines the requirements for a flexible food safety management system comparable to that sought in the FSMA Preventive controls rule, and with this being the foundation for achieving compliance, we are very excited to participate in this important series.”

Barbara Levin, SafetyChain Senior Vice President and Co-Founder added, “SafetyChain is committed to being the leader in offering informative webcast forums on front-of-mind topics to the food safety community – first with our FSMA Fridays and FSQA Enabling Technologies Series – and now with GFSI in the Age of FSMA. We’re very excited that Dr. Jacqueline Southee is wrapping up our series with FSSC 22000 in the Age of FSMA on December 4, and invite all interested parties to attend.”

Who Should Attend

Interested parties working in food safety and quality assurance, regulatory, operations, C-suite and other related positions, from food and beverage companies, are invited to learn more and register for the complimentary webcast.

Optional GFSI and FSMA Technology Demonstration

At the end of the December 4 session, attendees are invited to stay online for a brief demonstration of how SafetyChain helps companies automate for GFSI and FSMA compliance and audit readiness.

About FSSC 22000

FSSC 22000 offers a complete certification scheme for Food Safety Systems based on existing standards for certification (ISO 22000, ISO 22003 and technical specifications for sector PRPs). It is developed for the certification of food safety management systems of organizations in the food chain that process or manufacture animal products, perishable vegetal products, products with a long shelf life, (other) food ingredients like additives, vitamins, bio-cultures, food packaging material and animal feed. The FSSC 22000 certification scheme has been given full recognition by the GFSI. www.fssc22000.com

About SafetyChain Software – Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA™

SafetyChain Software’s integrated, single-solution platform for Food Safety & Quality Assurance – SafetyChain for Food – helps automate, streamline and continuously improve food safety and quality programs at all points along a company’s supply chain. SafetyChain for Food includes modules for Supplier Compliance, Food Safety & Quality Management, Regulatory/GFSI Compliance & Audit Readiness, along with SafetyChain Mobile apps. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, Software-as-a-Service solution that delivers hard-dollar ROI, and is used by leading companies across all food industry verticals, including suppliers/growers, manufacturers, distributors and food service/retail. Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety

About Media Sponsor Food Safety Tech

Food Safety Tech is an industry-specific eMagazine and Conference series serving the global food industry. Built on the platform of the next generation model for B2B publishing, Food Safety Tech delivers top quality content in a proactive manner through a weekly eNewsletter while maintaining a website, the eMagazine that stores the content providing easy accessibility. This hybrid model provides a two way street of digital communication to the global food industry. www.foodsafetytech.com