SafetyChain Software’s March 27, 2015 FSMA Friday Discusses Best Practices for Risk Assessment and Preventive Controls

FSMA Fridays, Sponsored by SafetyChain and Featuring Dr. David Acheson and The Acheson Group team – Focuses on Elements of a Successful Risk Assessment and Best Practices for Putting Preventive Controls in Place

SafetyChain Software, leaders in Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve Food Safety and Quality Assurance (FSQA)™, is pleased to announce the topic for its March 27, 2015 FSMA Friday: Risk Assessment Best Practices and Putting Preventive Controls in Place.

FSMA Fridays is an online, interactive forum that helps the food and beverage industry stay up-to-date on FDA’s Food Safety and Modernization Act (FSMA); examines the impact FSMA rules will have on food safety and quality operations; and provides guidance on how to prepare for FSMA compliance. It is estimated that more than 80 percent of food and beverage companies will have to comply with FSMA.

The popular monthly series, which has attracted more than 2,000 ongoing registrants, features FSMA icon Dr. David Acheson and The Acheson Group’s food safety team, who address pre-submitted and live questions from the audience, on a schedule of FSMA related topics.

The March 27 FSMA Fridays key discussion topics will include:

  • Why is all the focus on preventive controls?
  • Why is a thorough food safety risk assessment important?
  • What are the elements of a good risk assessment?
  • How can I best determine what is a significant food safety hazard?
  • What are the expectations for risk mitigation and preventive controls under FSMA?
  • How can I enhance my current risk assessment or hazard analysis program for HACCP to make it HARPC compliant?
  • Why doing these steps now helps reap benefits prior to waiting for FSMA compliance deadlines

Barbara Levin, SVP and Co-Founder of SafetyChain Software commented, “We are excited that registration numbers for FSMA Fridays are at an all-time high. With tentative FSMA compliance dates now announced, we’ve changed the focus of FSMA Fridays to include not just education on what needs to be done – but also practical advice on what food and beverage companies must start doing now to execute and be in compliance on Day 1.” Levin continued, “SafetyChain is proud to partner with The Acheson Group to continue leading the online FSMA conversation and help food safety teams prepare as compliance deadlines get closer.”

As always, the March 27 FSMA Friday session will begin with a general update on FSMA. The Acheson Group team will also answer questions from participants.

How to Register
Registration for SafetyChain Software’s FSMA Fridays series is complimentary at: Once registered, participants receive archives to all past events and automatically receive notices of future topics.

About SafetyChain Software
SafetyChain Software is the leading vendor of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA at all points along a company’s supply chain – for what comes in, what they do with it and what goes out. SafetyChain for Food™ includes integrated modules for Supplier Compliance, Safety and Quality Management, Regulatory and GFSI Compliance, Food Safety Audit Readiness and SafetyChain Mobile – mobile FSQA applications for smart phones and tablets. SafetyChain for Food is an affordable, cloud-based solution with hard-dollar Return on Investment, and is used globally in 15 languages.

Follow SafetyChain and co-founder Barbara Levin on Twitter @LevinFoodSafety

SafetyChain Software, SafetyChain for Food and FSMA Fridays are registered trademarks of SafetyChain Software Inc. All rights reserved.

About The Acheson Group (TAG)
Global food supplies, changing consumer expectations and expanding regulations are creating more risk for food companies. The Acheson Group’s mission is to work with food companies, and those that provide technology to food companies, to help manage this changing risk outlook. TAG is able to offer quality, strategic consulting due to the diverse nature, training and experience of its team. TAG seeks to be valued advisors to its clients by building a very close relationship that brings together an environment of good communication through a significant amount of direct client interaction.