FSMA Food Defense Proposed Rule is Topic of February 28 SafetyChain ‘s FSMA Fridays™ Webcast

What FDA’s Food Safety Modernization Act’s Food Defense Rule Means, Who it Applies to and What to Do Today to Prepare for Compliance

Webcast part of popular monthly online FSMAFridays™ series – sponsored by SafetyChain Software and featuring FSMA icon Dr. David Acheson and The Acheson Group

SafetyChain Software’s popular FSMA Fridays series, featuring Dr. David Acheson and The Acheson Group’s food safety team, will walk attendees through the recently announced proposed rule for Food Defense in monthly webcast/podcast being held this Friday, February 28, at 9 a.m. PT.

FSMA Fridays – launched by SafetyChain Software, innovators of realtime Safety Chain Management Solutions that automate, streamline and improve food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) while promoting regulatory, 3rd party and customer compliance – provides 1500+ participants from the food and beverage industry monthly, live updates on FSMA.

The FDA’s Food Defense Rule would require the largest food businesses in the U.S. and abroad to take steps to prevent facilities from being the target of intentional attempts to contaminate the food supply. The 30-minute session will address the questions below; Dr. Acheson and his team The Acheson Group team will also take audience questions live. Registration is complimentary at https://safetychain.flywheelstaging.com/resources/fsma-fridays/

February 28 Food Defense Rule Topics:

  • Who does the proposed Food Defense Rule apply to? Does it apply to all companies or just processors?
  • What is the FDA’s real concern in creating this rule – how has FDA make it risk based?
  • What should companies start to do to prepare for compliance? What are some best practices for conducting vulnerability assessments, monitoring activities and corrective actions?
  • How is Food Defense similar/different from food safety in terms of preventive controls and food defense controls?
  • How can we tell if our Food Defense is effective outside of a major incident?
  • Where does economically-motivated adulteration fit in?
  • And, as with all FSMA Fridays, the session will begin with an overall update on all things FSMA

FSMA Fridays on Proposed Food Defense Rule:

Friday, February 28, 2014
9:00 – 9:30 a.m. PT (11 a.m. CT, Noon ET)
Free registration at https://safetychain.flywheelstaging.com/resources/fsma-fridays/

All participants have an option to either call or login and receive a link to the session recording shortly after each session. When participants register they will also receive links to past session recordings, which have included topics on Supply Chain Controls, Foreign Supplier & 3rd Party Auditor Rules, Produce Rules, Preventive Controls for Human Food, Environmental Control Systems and more.

About SafetyChain Software

SafetyChain Software’s SafetyChain for Food™ helps the food and beverage industry manage safety and quality compliance in realtime – preventing non-compliant ingredients, raw materials and finished product from coming in or going out. With SafetyChain for Food’s affordable solution modules – for Supplier Compliance & Management, Safety & Quality Data Reporting, HACCP/GFSI Compliance and Customer & Finished Product Compliance – food growers, producers, manufacturers, distributors, retailers, food services and importers save time, save money and create efficiencies that contribute to the bottom line. SafetyChain for Food is a global, Software-as-a-Service solution, designed for fast deployment and even faster ROI. www.safetychain.flywheelstaging.com

SafetyChain Software, SafetyChain for Food and FSMAFridays are registered trademarks of SafetyChain Software Inc. All rights reserved.

About The Acheson Group (TAG)

Global food supplies, changing consumer expectations and expanding regulations are creating more risk for food companies. The Acheson Group’s mission is to work with food companies, and those that provide technology to food companies, to help manage this changing risk outlook. TAG is able to offer quality, strategic consulting due to the diverse nature, training and experience of its team. TAG seeks to be valued advisors to its clients by building a very close relationship that brings together an environment of good communication through a significant amount of direct client interaction. www.achesongroup.com