Dan Graiff Farms Partners with SafetyChain Software to Automate, Streamline and Improve its Food Safety and Quality Assurance Programs

Will leverage SafetyChain’s Food Safety Chain Management System for paperless document management, on-demand audit readiness and real time data collection via SafetyChain Mobile apps

SafetyChain Software – the leader in real time Food Safety Chain Management Systems (FSCMS) that help food and beverage companies Automate, Streamline & Improve FSQA™– is pleased to announce that Dan Graiff Farms, LLC, a grower/processor of triple-washed and ready-to-eat greens and herbs, has selected SafetyChain as its partner for a series of food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) automation initiatives.

Dan Graiff Farms will be using SafetyChain’s leading FSCMS to:

  • Dan Graiff Farms_1Collect food safety data “at the source” in real time – pre-harvest and direct observation inspections, for example – using SafetyChain Mobile™ applications
  • Eliminate “mountains” of food safety and quality assurance paper documents with electronic document management
  • Analyze food safety and quality assurance data in real time so that timely Corrective/Preventive Actions (CAPAs) can be put in place before product goes into commerce
  • Create a central repository of food safety and quality assurance (FSQA) data for trending and continuous improvement
  • Leverage the central FSQA repository for on-demand readiness for its PRIMUS GFS and other audits

Dan Graiff Farms selected SafetyChain Software due to it’s:

  • Comprehensive suite of FSQA functionality
  • Powerful mobile applications
  • Ability to create a central FSQA data repository for continuous improvement and audit readiness
  • Flexible and affordable cloud-based solution
  • Responsiveness of the SafetyChain team
  • Full implementation support

Philip Neary, owner of NPE Produce Consulting LLC, the food safety consultant who worked with the Dan Graiff Farms team on their selection of SafetyChain, commented, “The team at Dan Graiff Farms is highly committed to delivering the safest, highest quality products to its customers and consumers. And like most FSQA teams today, it’s easy to get stretched thin between all of the regulatory and third party requirements. Dan and Jamie Graiff had the vision to see how the latest in food safety technology could not only automate and streamline safety and quality – but also create operational efficiencies that can result in ROI. We’re very excited to be working with SafetyChain on these initiatives.”

SafetyChain SVP and co-founder, Barbara Levin, added, “The team at Dan Graiff Farms is very forward-thinking when it comes to leveraging the power of technology to build best-in-class programs for their food safety, audit readiness and data collection automation initiatives. We’re excited that they chose SafetyChain as their partner to support their goals, and we’re very pleased to welcome Dan Graiff Farms to SafetyChain’s customer community.”

About SafetyChain Software

SafetyChain Software is the leading provider of Food Safety Chain Management Systems that help food and beverage companies manage safety and quality compliance in real time – preventing non-compliant ingredients, raw materials and finished product from coming in or going out. With SafetyChain for Food’s affordable solution modules – for Supplier Compliance, FSQA Data and Program Management including HACCP/HARPC, Regulatory/GFSI Compliance, Customer & Finished Product Compliance, Audit Readiness and Mobile FSQA – companies can automate, streamline and improve FSQA – saving time, saving money and creating efficiencies that facilitate both compliance and ROI. SafetyChain for Food is a global, Software-as-a-Service solution, deployed in 22 countries, and designed for fast deployment and even faster ROI. For more information: www.safetychain.flywheelstaging.com

SafetyChain Software and SafetyChain for Food are registered trademarks of SafetyChain Software, Inc.

Dan Graiff Farms - Five Star Premium Greens

Dan Graiff Farms LLC is a 4th generation farm in southern New Jersey. All aspects of their operation are supervised by a family member. Dan oversees growing and harvesting, James (Jamie) oversees purchasing and sales and their mother Doris oversees office operations. Jamie is the Food Safety Manager for the operation but Dan and his son Scott are also involved in the implementation of the food safety program. As the operation has expanded over the years they have hired and maintained excellent personnel but they still maintain a hands-on style of operating. Dan Graiff Farms LLC currently farms 250 acres in Vineland and Newfield New Jersey and they source product from Florida, California, Nevada, Arizona, Idaho and Canada.

Under the Five Star Premium Greens and Herbs label they offer a year-round supply of baby greens and specialty peeled-onion products for both the food service and retail sectors. They have invested in state-of-the-art equipment for both their baby greens and their peeled-onion product lines and all products are maintained in a facility with a very robust cold chain system from receiving through shipping. Dan Graiff Farms has always had a great reputation for quality and now through the investment in the Five Star label, year-round product supply, their state-of-the-art facility and their commitment to a robust food safety program they have become a major player in the east coast produce industry. http://www.5starpeeled.com/index.php