Apache Produce Company Selects SafetyChain for Food™ to Increase Quality Compliance Efficiencies and Speed Throughput

Apache Produce Company to leverage SafetyChain Software to get produce commodity quality assurance information to the right people in the fastest manner possible.

SafetyChain Software, innovators of realtime technologies that enforce safety and quality compliance along customers’ entire supply chains, is pleased to announce that Apache Produce Company, headquartered in Nogales, AZ, has selected SafetyChain for Food to increase efficiencies, quality compliance and sales throughput.

Business drivers for the project include the ability to:

  • Replace manual quality compliance processes
  • Collect and analyze quality specifications – for various commodities, all with different specs – in realtime
    using mobile devices, including form data and digital photos
  • Communicate inventory commodity specs to sales – again in realtime – to speed customer throughput and quality assurance
  • Have a centralized source of in-depth quality information for reporting, trending and audit readiness

At Apache, we’re committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality, and to maintaining our high levels of customer confidence and satisfaction.

We’re excited to leverage SafetyChain for Food’s first-in-class technology to get quality information to the right people in the fastest manner possible – and to ensure that customers know they will continue to receive the quality commodities they’ve come to expect from us,” said Charlie Everette, who leads the company’s quality control and claims department.

With specifications for both safety and quality changing almost daily, the food & beverage industry is looking more and more to replace dated manual processes with the efficiencies of affordable, cloud-based technology solutions.

We’re proud to have industry leaders like Apache adopt technology as a strategy to remain best-in-class when it comes to providing safe, quality products to their customers, and we’re pleased to welcome them to our customer community,” said Barbara Levin, Senior Vice President of Marketing and Customer Community for SafetyChain Software.

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