Women in Manufacturing: Keys to Building a Great Career, Culture & Company

Women leaders from Tyson, See's Candies and Hylife share their career paths and offer tips on how to thrive in an industry that offers vast opportunity.

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How Same-Day Salmonella Quantification Guides Intervention Strategies and Lowers Costs

Hygiena shares ways leading poultry processors are getting their products to market faster and saving costs with game-changing, same-day Salmonella quantification technology. [30 Minutes]

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COVID-19’s Economic Impact on US Food Manufacturers

Two esteemed food economists, Laurian Unnevehr, Ph.D. and Dawn Thilmany, Ph.D. draw from historical examples and economic frameworks to help food and beverage executives understand the most likely impact of COVID-19 on their companies.

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Customer Success Story – How Canada’s Largest Pork Producer Eliminated Paper & Unlocked Powerful FSQA Data

This is an inspiring story of a food processor that set out to solve a “paper” problem and improve their FSQA process but accomplished far more. Join us to hear tips, best practices, and key learnings from the project.

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SafetyChain Success Story – How Death Wish Coffee Went Paperless & Mastered SQF

QA Director CJ De Luca shares Death Wish Coffee’s strategies, struggles, & successes in transitioning their food safety & QA operations to being completely paperless — within a month. Hear how this lean team with zero SQF experience kicked their business into high gear with SafetyChain.

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Labor, Blockchain & Legislation: 7 Factors Impacting Food Safety in the Next 7 Years

Is your plant prepared for what food safety will look like in 2020 and beyond? From global pressures, blockchains, and labor challenges to never-ending legislation changes, Jennifer van de Ligt, Ph.D., reminds us that today’s food safety leaders have to do more than keep up - they have to ramp up.

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The Magic of Internal Audits: Mistakes, Insights, and Advice from the Experts

In this webinar, food safety and quality expert Jeff Strout (Merieux NutriSciences) will share hot topics, expert insights (including the “wow factor”), and critical components of robust internal auditing systems that are needed to drive continuous improvement.

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Aligning FSMA with GFSI Requirements: Best Practices for 2020

Conforming GFSI requirements to FSMA requires an advanced understanding of their similarities and differences. In this training webinar, industry experts from Kestrel Tellevate will share best practices for incorporating and managing dual regulatory and non-regulatory requirements successfully.

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Workforce 2020: The Changing Landscape of Technology & Training of Food Safety Employees

Still seeing some employees not following food safety procedures? Changes in technology and automation demand new ways to train. Alchemy’s Laura Dunn shares a fresh approach that has produced dramatic results.

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Customer Interview: How A Leading US Fruit Packer Boosted Food Safety, Compliance & Productivity with a Paperless System

Robert Peebles, Director of Food Safety at Chelan Fruit, explains how his team was able to successfully transition its entire food safety program to a paperless system, creating meaningful results for their business.

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6 Practical Steps F&B Companies Can Take to Achieve Digital Transformation

In this training webinar, Travis Cox from Inductive Automation delivers practical advice and clear steps to food and beverage companies wanting to digitize their plants.

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The Missing Ingredients Critical to Your Food Safety Culture Success

Food safety culture is no longer a luxury or a side project: it’s a priority that helps companies avoid food safety (& people safety) accidents. Lone Jespersen cleverly uses industry case studies to teach us how to become cultural change-makers and master the 1 thing that holds most of us back.

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