SafetyChain Software, Inc. (“we” or “us”), is committed to protecting your personal information. This Privacy Policy (the “Policy”) explains how we collect and use the personal information that you provide online to our website (“Site”), as well as offline when communicating with us.

You should read this Policy before you submit any personal information to us. By using our site or registering your interest in us online, you consent to the collection and use of your personal information as outlined in this Policy. If you do not agree with the content of this Policy, you should refrain from using our Site.

1. Who We Are

SafetyChain Software has its principal place of business at 7599 Redwood Blvd, #205, Novato, CA 94945, United States. More information about SafetyChain Software, Inc. can be found at

2. Personal Information We Collect

In General. We may collect and store any personal information you enter on our website or provide to us in some other manner. Personal information is data that identifies you, or that can be combined with other information to identify or contact you, and includes (but is not limited to) your name, business or personal email address, job title, organization, organization’s physical address, direct telephone number, photograph, and biographical details. You are not obligated to provide us with any personal information, although you may need to provide some information to register, submit a question, or engage in other transactions on our Site. We strive to limit the type of personal information that we collect to information that helps us accomplish our goal of providing first–class services.

Information from other sources. We also may periodically obtain both personal and non–personal information about you from other sources. Examples of information we may receive include updated contact information and additional demographic information. Please note that SafetyChain Software or its subsidiaries may have previously collected personal information relating to you at the time you or your organization contacted or registered with us, as well as in the course of allocating and issuing to you a unique ID and password to access webinars or programs we periodically host.

Information collected automatically. When you visit our website, we automatically collect and analyze certain information about your computer. This information includes but may not be limited to the IP address used to connect your computer to the Internet, information about your browser type and language, the date and time you are accessing our site, the content of any undeleted cookies that your browser previously accepted from us, and the referring website address.

Use of cookies and other technologies. We use various technologies to collect information about your activities on our Site.

  • Cookies. When you visit our Site, we may assign your computer one or more “cookies.” A cookie is a small text file that contains information that can later be read by us to facilitate your access to our Sites and personalize your online experience. For example, whenever you sign into our Site, we will record your user ID in a cookie file on your computer. If applicable, we may also record your password in this cookie file, if you checked the box entitled “Save this password for automatic sign–in.” Also, through the use of a cookie, we may automatically collect information about your online activity on our Sites, such as the web pages you visit, the links you click, and the searches you conduct. Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can usually modify your browser setting to decline cookies by visiting the Help portion of your browser’s toolbar. If you choose to decline cookies, please note that you may not be able to sign in or use some of the interactive features offered on our Sites.

  • Other Technologies. We may use standard Internet technology, such as Web beacons (also called clear GIFs or pixel tags) and other similar technologies, to deliver or communicate with cookies and track your use of our Sites. We also may include web beacons in e–mail messages or newsletters to determine whether messages have been opened and acted upon. The information we obtain in this manner enables us to customize the services we offer and measure the overall effectiveness of our online content, advertising campaigns, and the products and services we offer through the Sites.

  • Information Collected by Third Parties. Third parties, such as vendors, advertising entities, and business partners, may use cookies and other technologies (such as Web beacons) to collect information about your online activities. The purposes for collecting this information includes: to measure usage of our Site; to analyze, modify, and personalize advertising content on our Site; and to provide ads about goods and services we hope will be of interest to you. We do not have access to or control over cookies or other features these third parties may use, and the information practices of these third parties are not covered by this Privacy Policy. Some of these third parties may be third–party network advertisers that offer you the option of not having this information collected.

3. How We Use the Information We Collect

In General. We use the information we collect about you for the following purposes:

  • to respond to inquiries that you submit to us via the online “contact us” feature and determine which programs and services will help you achieve your business goals;

  • to send you information about our programs and services that you have requested from us;

  • to administer and facilitate your access to and provide you with resources, decision–support tools, and other materials available to you;

  • to attribute content that you make available through the Site;

  • to communicate with you about surveys, marketing, promotions, executive–oriented events, educational forums, and other exclusive opportunities offered by SafetyChain Software;

  • for the purposes for which you provided the information;

  • to customize the advertising and content you see, including the display of targeted advertisements;

  • to engage in research and analysis in order to maintain, protect and improve our Programs and services, as well as develop new services;

  • to generate anonymous and/or aggregated reporting;

  • to enforce the legal terms that govern your use of the Site;

  • to enhance our network and our products and services; and

  • to ensure the technical functioning of the Site.

Discussion Forums. In the event that you post personal information in discussion forums or other areas of the our Site allowing users to upload or post content, that information can be viewed by any user with access to those areas. We discourage users from posting personal information in this fashion, and any personal information you post to these public or Restricted areas is not covered by this Policy.

4. Choices About the Use of Your Information

We believe that it is important that individuals are given the opportunity to exercise choice with respect to how their personal information is collected and used. If we propose to use your personal information for any purposes other than those described in this Policy or any service–specific privacy notices, we will allow you a convenient way to opt–out of such further uses.

Marketing Communications: We hope you find value in the communications we provide, and we will respect your wishes not to receive marketing communications. Please note that we will continue to send you member services emails and other service–related communications regardless of any such request. These service–related communications are an integral part of the Programs to which you subscribe. We will not share your information and personal details with third parties for their own promotional or marketing purposes without giving you a choice about such sharing.

5. Disclosures of Personal Information

We may share your personal information with other companies or individuals in the following instances:

  • When we engage service providers and third–party agents to process personal information on our behalf. When we do so, we require these service providers to implement adequate technological and organizational security measures before they can receive any personal information from us.

  • For legitimate business purposes connected with the provision of goods, services, and benefits for customers of SafetyChain software or its subsidiaries. Where information is shared with a third party for a legitimate business purpose, we will seek reasonable assurances from that third party that the personal information will be processed for legitimate reasons and appropriately protected.

  • In response to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process; to establish or exercise our legal rights; to defend against legal claims; or as otherwise required by law. In such cases we reserve the right to raise or waive any legal objection or right available to us.

  • When we believe it is appropriate to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding illegal or suspected illegal activities; to protect and defend the rights, property, or safety of SafetyChain Software or its subsidiaries, our customers, or others; and in connection with our contractual obligations and other agreements.

  • In connection with a corporate transaction, such as a divestiture, merger, consolidation, or asset sale, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy.

  • We also may share aggregate or anonymous information with third parties, including advertisers, investors, and partners. Aggregate or anonymous information does not contain any personal information, and its use and disclosure is not subject to the terms of this Policy.

6. International Transfers of Personal Information

We operate the Site in the United States and, depending on your country of residence, the submission of personal information to our Site may involve some transfer of personal information to the United States. In addition, we may transfer personal information to our affiliate companies in India for certain processing operations. You should be aware that privacy laws in the United States and India may not provide protections equivalent to those of your country of residence. We have taken steps to ensure that appropriate levels of protection necessary to maintain the security and quality of your personal information are in place and that any transferred data is processed only in accordance with this Policy.

7. Access and Correction of Personal Information

You can request access to any personal information that we hold about you and ask us to correct any personal information which may be inaccurate, except where the law requires otherwise. To access, correct or raise inquiries concerning your personal information in our possession, please contact:

Chief Technology Officer, SafetyChain Software, Inc., 7599 Redwood Blvd, Ste. #205, Novato, CA 94945 or email us at

8. Information Security

We have implemented reasonable technical and organizational security measures to help protect against unauthorized access to or unauthorized alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be entirely secure, and we assume no liability for any damage suffered by you caused by the interception, alteration, or misuse of information during transmission.

We make reasonable efforts to restrict access to personal information to employees, contractors, and agents who need to know that information in order to operate, develop, or improve our Programs and services. We subject our third–party agents to contractual controls to ensure that they apply suitable protections to any personal information they access or receive from us.

Please note that the effective security with respect to our Sites depends, in part, on you ensuring that any IDs and passwords that you have been issued by us are kept confidential and secure. IDs must not be shared, and only the assigned user should use that ID.

9. Other Websites

To provide increased value to users of our Site, we may provide links to other websites or resources that are not part of the network run by SafetyChain Software or its subsidiaries. We do not exercise control over these websites or their privacy practices, and any information you provide to those sites is subject to the Privacy Policies of those sites, and not this Policy.

10. Safe Harbor

We comply with the U.S.–EU Safe Harbor Framework and the U.S.–Swiss Safe Harbor Framework as set forth by the U.S. Department of Commerce regarding the collection, use, and retention of personal information from European Union member countries and Switzerland, and have certified that we adhere to the Safe Harbor Privacy Principles. In compliance with the US-EU and US-Swiss Safe Harbor Principles, SafetyChain Software commits to resolve complaints about your privacy and our collection or use of your personal information. European Union or Swiss citizens with inquiries or complaints regarding this privacy policy should first contact SafetyChain Software at:

Corporate Secretary, SafetyChain Software, Inc., 7599 Redwood Blvd, Ste. #205

Novato, CA 94945 Email:

SafetyChain Software has further committed to refer unresolved privacy complaints under the US-EU and US-Swiss Safe Harbor Principles to an independent dispute resolution mechanism, the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR, operated by the Council of Better Business Bureaus. If you do not receive timely acknowledgment of your complaint, or if your complaint is not satisfactorily addressed by SafetyChain Software, please visit the BBB EU SAFE HARBOR web site at for more information and to file a complaint. To learn more about the Safe Harbor program, and to view our certification page, please visit

11. Children

Our Sites contain business–related content and are specifically aimed at and designed for use by adults. We do not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from or about individuals under the age of 18 years.

12. Changes to this Policy

This Policy may change from time to time. If we make material changes to this Policy, we will post any Policy changes on this page. If we feel it appropriate, we will provide a more prominent notice (including, for certain services, email notification). Your continued use of our Sites following such posts or notices will signal your acceptance of such changes.

Last Revised: March 8th, 2023