2015 SafetyChain FSMA Fridays Webinar Recordings

Sponsored by SafetyChain, FSMA Fridays are monthly FSMA discussions with Dr. David Acheson and The Acheson Group team. Learn more about these informative sessions and sign up @ www.FSMAFridays.com.

December 2015
What to Expect in 2016 + FSVP & 3rd Party Auditor Rules

November 2015
Final Rules for Foreign Supplier Verification Program and Produce

October 2015
Preventive Controls for Human & Animal Food Part 2:
Supply Chain Environmental Monitoring, Distribution Centers and More!

September 2015
Preventive Controls for Human & Animal Food

August 2015
Building a FSMA-Ready Food Safety Plan

July 2015
One Month to go – What Best-in-Class Companies are Doing NOW to Get Ready

June 2015
Supply Chain Risk Controls and the Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP)

May 2015
Best Practices for Environmental Controls Programs and Finished Product Testing

April 2015
Everything You’ve Wanted to Know About FSMA but Were Afraid to Ask

March 2015
Risk Assessment Best Practices; Putting Preventive Controls in Place

February 2015
What to do NOW to Migrate from HACCP to HARPC

January 2015
Top 5 FSMA Compliance Challenges and What You Should Be Doing Now