2014 SafetyChain FSMA Friday Webinar Recordings

Sponsored by SafetyChain, FSMA Fridays are monthly FSMA discussions with Dr. David Acheson and The Acheson Group team. Learn more about these informative sessions and sign up @ https://safetychain.flywheelstaging.com/resources/fsma-fridays/

December 2014:
What to Expect in 2015
November 2014:
What’s Not Going Away in the Final FSMA Rules and How to Start Preparing Now
October 2014:
Foreign Supplier Verification, Produce, Human & Animal Rules – 2nd Review
September 2014:
Foreign Supplier Verification, Produce, Human & Animal Rules – 2nd Review
August 2014:
GFSI & FSMA: Alignments & Gaps
July 2014:
High-Risk Food Methodology
June 2014:
Traceability Requirements and Best Practices
May 2014:
FDA Access to Your Records Under FSMA
April 2014:
What Consitutes a Good FDA Audit?
March 2014:
Sanitary Transport
February 2014:
Food Defense
January 2014:
Preventive Controls for Food for Animals